Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Lady Gaga talks about her 'bleeding fingers', reminds us that making pop music is very, very serious

As far as Lady Gaga is concerned, making music is not about knocking together a few beats the kids can tap their toes to at the disco. Hells no.
For her pop is an extremely serious business. And as if to illustrate how serious she really is about her music Gaga has posted this picture of herself looking grave without any slap, accompanied by some really odd cryptic waffle.
To be honest it doesn’t sound like earning loads of money from singing songs is that much fun at all. We don’t know who these guys are driving the musical Gaga bus, but by the sounds of it ‘they’ are also akin to propietors of a Victorian mine, or Chinese bear tamers.
Gaga writes on her little Monsters blog: “As they pry the single from my bleeding fingers. it’s a scary thing to revisit those things underneath” We’re presuming here she means her feelings, rather than the things underneath her fingers – because if so someone needs to step in here.
She added: “but all I found was raw passion. I thought I was destroyed inside. I’m just ready to fight. start the music." Ok we get it. Making your pop music has been very hard for you.
 Almost as hard as it’s been watching you do it.

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